Hello, I am Thorsten Rintelen,
an Angular Frontend Developer
I have over 20 years experience as a web developer with my focus being on Angular and rxjs. I love working with clean, elegant styles an have a reasonable grasp of using CSS/SASS and HTML for modern websites.
Personal Info
NameThorsten Rintelen
Date of birthNovember 03, 1979
Address47533 Kleve
Phone+49 176 70138991
Work Experience
Work Experience
Head of Software Development
since 2017 @ traperto GmbHIn addition to my frontend angular development, I am responsible for the software development team @ traperto GmbH.
Frontend Developer
2014 - 2017 @ traperto GmbHStarted focussing on Angular.
This includes TypeScript, RxJS and frontend testing with Jest and cypress. -
SCRUM Software Developer
2013 - 2014 @ db-central GmbHCreated web based software with php, html, plain JavaScript.
I was part of a scrum team for building learning management software for large business customers. -
Software Developer
2003 - 2012 @ db-central GmbHdb-central GmbH
Create web based software with php, html, plain JavaScript.
I was part of a team for building learning management software.
Software Developer
2000 - 2003 @ rosomm e partner GmbHThree year training as a software developer. The official name in germany is "Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung."
Since 1996 i build small websites based on content management system WordPress or Joomla. In all
the years i built over 100 different websites for all genres.
Contact me if you want me to help you build your website.
Special thanks to
Christina Ehme
for supporting me with the design. Im NOT a designer.
Niederrhein Valley
I am founder and organisator of the meetup group "Niederrhein Valley".
We talk about all aspects of software development. This includes frontend, backend and server
releated topics. In the past we talked about Angular, Vue, PHP, Docker and Testing.
Looking for a Speaker?
You are looking for a german speaker? Please feel free to contact me.
I can talk about:
- All about Angular
- Unittesting (Angular with Jest)
- e2e-Tests with cypress
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding me, are looking for a speaker for any sort of event or if you simply want to know something about Angular. You can also reach me via Twitter or Xing.
- +49 176 70138991
- t.rintelen@clever-code.de